Arma 3 Rcon Setup
Ok so recently I was reading up on the new changes of ArmA 3 1.58. My server was hit with teamkillers and most likely soon a bunch of hackers this upcoming weekend. I cannot connect to our server via RCON to issue bans, kicks and warnings.

Arma 3 Mission Cycle
- In this article, we'll be showing you how to configure RCON for your ARMA 3 server to use tools such as BattleWarden, EPM Rcon tool, etc. Here are the steps: 1. Log into your Wombat Servers GamePanel and navigate to your ARMA 3 hosting service. Open File Manager from the GamePanel menu and navigate to A3DS/Profiles/BattlEye folder.
- In this article we'll be reviewing the process of configuring RCON for your Arma 3 server to use tools such as BattleWarden, etc. Step 1: Log into the Host Havoc game control panel and navigate to your Arma 3 hosting service. Step 2: Open the File Manager and navigate to the A3DS/BattlEye directory.
I have a question, has anyone managed to set up BEC with Desolation yet? All I get is14:13:30: Please wait. Connecting to the Server when the Timeout has expired!14:14:04: Connecting to Battleye server No Valid response.

Trying to reconnect.!14:14:29: No Valid response. Trying to reconnect.!14:14:35: No Valid response. Trying to reconnect.!I have followed the correct setup procedures. Even made sure BE ports 2344 and 2345 are open along with the usual 5 that arma uses.
Arma 3 Rcon Setup Pc
Ive managed to get Rcon to work, the default start batch file outputs the server info to publicserver, inside that folder is the battleye folder your suppose to use for the BE cfg to set your Rcon up. Also when you set your password and port dont define the ip, if you define it wont allow internal or external ip's to connect. So just leave it blacnk like:RConPassword xxxxxxRConPort xxxxThen restart your server, you'll know if its working if the file name changes to include 'active' then you should be able to use your Rcon of choice. Hope this helps. Ive managed to get Rcon to work, the default start batch file outputs the server info to publicserver, inside that folder is the battleye folder your suppose to use for the BE cfg to set your Rcon up. Also when you set your password and port dont define the ip, if you define it wont allow internal or external ip's to connect.

So just leave it blacnk like:RConPassword xxxxxxRConPort xxxxThen restart your server, you'll know if its working if the file name changes to include 'active' then you should be able to use your Rcon of choice. Hope this helps. Ive managed to get Rcon to work, the default start batch file outputs the server info to publicserver, inside that folder is the battleye folder your suppose to use for the BE cfg to set your Rcon up. Also when you set your password and port dont define the ip, if you define it wont allow internal or external ip's to connect. So just leave it blacnk like:RConPassword xxxxxxRConPort xxxxThen restart your server, you'll know if its working if the file name changes to include 'active' then you should be able to use your Rcon of choice. Hope this helps.