Cara Instal Unidac Di Delphi Xe

Cara Instal Unidac Di Delphi Xe 4,7/5 615 votes

Tutorial Instal Delphi 7 Enterprise di Windows 10.Catatan penting saat menginstal Delphi 7 Enterprise:1. Anda boleh meng-Uncheck Use VisiBroker/COBRA Support karena tidak terlalu penting sekaligus dapat menghemat space HDD Anda.2. Anda boleh meng-Uncheck Instal InterBase Client karena tidak begitu penting sekaligus dapat menghemat space HDD Anda.3.

  1. Cara Instal Unidac Di Delphi Xe 2017
  2. Cara Instal Unidac Di Delphi Xe 3

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Berhubung DELPHI7 diinstal pada hardisk. Jangan lupa pilih Save Instalation database to hard drive.4. Terkadang pada beberapa kasus, saat membuka Delphi Enterprise sering error.

Nah, untuk mengatasinya coba Anda masuk ke local disk:c - Program Delphi - Borland - Delphi7 - Bin - cari extensi DELPHI32.DRO menjadi DELPHI.$$$- Semoga bermanfaat.


I download UniDac component for delphi XE2 and installed it, now when run DelphiXE2 file i get bellow errors from delphi and when press ok, delphi load successfully but the UniDac component not installed. The errors listed include: bds.exe - System Error The program can't start because fmx162.bpl is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. OKWindow TitleErrorContentCould not find Wizard, 'd:Program FilesDevartUniDAC for RAD Studio XE2BinWin32unimigwizard160.dll'.OKbds.exe - System Error The program can't start because fmx162.bpl is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

Cara Instal Unidac Di Delphi Xe 2017


Cara Instal Unidac Di Delphi Xe 3

OKand finally get this error:Window TitleErrorContentCan't load package d:program filesembarcaderorad studio9.0bindclunidac160.bpl.The specified module could not be found.Do you want to attempt to load this package the next time a project is loaded?Yes Nothanks.