Free Under Hood Dimensions
NameDescriptionZoom Drag. Click to drag yourmouse to zoom in and out on the selected diagram.Reset. Click to reset the dimensionsviewer to its default view.Zoom Select. Click to selectan area to zoom in to on the selected diagram.Pan. Click to pan the selecteddiagram when you drag your mouse.Print.
Detailed car specs: 2014 Kia Optima. Find specifications for every 2014 Kia Optima: gas mileage, engine, performance, warranty, equipment and more. Hello, I'm trying to get underhood dimensions for a 2015 Honda CR-V. Mainly core support (radiator support) dimensions for replacement. And I still need the dimensions between the front longerons. THA read more.
Click to open the Print Manager and print the selecteddiagram (print the graphic only).Print Manager Options. Force White background. Force Graphic to bw (black and white). Use this setting for black and white printers. Print Redline.

Allows lines to print using the colors available in the graphic. Forcing graphic to black and white overrides this setting. Print Landscape. Print Portrait. NameDescriptionReport View Click to select the report view, e.g., Benchmark, Damaged, Repaired, etc.Datum Height Adjustment The difference between the Mitchell value and the user inputvalue. You can adjust the Datum Height by entering the value in this fieldor by double-clicking a Datum Height value in the interactive grid.Print Click to print the interactive data grid and the graphic.Note: To print user-input values, you must first create and save a job.Save Click to save changes to the interactive data grid.Note: You must first create a job before you can save changes.Important: To preserve yourchanges to the data grid, you must Saveyour data before changing dimensions views.Reset Click to reset all values to their original setting.
This button is not enabled unless you have made changes to the data.Toggle Units Toggles data grid between inches and millimeters.Measure to Center/Edge Toggles the data grid measuring points from the center to the edge ofhole.Conversion Calculator Click to convert measurements from millimeters to inches. With the interactive data grid, you can click data cells to change datameasurements according to the data Mode selected in the Mode list.NameDescriptionModeGrid ResultBenchmarkMitchell database measurementsDamagedYour measurements of the damaged vehicleRepairedYour measurements of the repaired vehicleBenchmark-DamagedA comparison on the data grid of Mitchell database values to your measurementsof the damaged vehicle.Benchmark-RepairedA comparison on the data grid of Mitchell database values to your measurementsof the repaired vehicle.
CLH9 MODELSCLH9 - Premier Magic Lung® Under CabinetThe Classic Series features satin trim with a polished logo to enrich any 'retro-styled' kitchen setting. Click on the models for a list of our base model numbers for standard sizes; simply select the model you need, and then specify the finish. Available in standard and custom paint finishes (additional charges may apply). Recommend mounting height is 24' - 27' above the cooking surface.

All Vent-A-Hood products are suitable for use in damp locations (outdoor applications such as a covered patio) when installed in a GFCI protected branch circuit. JCWR9 MODELSJCWR9 - Premier Magic Lung® Under CabinetRounded front with stand-off trim styling. Click on the models for a list of our base model numbers for standard sizes; simply select the model you need. This model is available in stainless steel with standard mirror stainless trim.
All Vent-A-Hood Magic Lung products are suitable for use in damp locations (outdoor applications such as a covered patio) when installed in a GFCI protected branch circuit. Recommended mounting height is 24' - 27' above the cooking surface. NPH9 MODELSNPH9 - Premier Magic Lung® Under CabinetRounded front lip provides a modern visual impact. Includes the Magic Lung® blower system. Lights feature a dual switch for dimming.
Equipped with the SensaSource® heat sensor. Available in popular standard or custom paint colors, stainless steel, real brass, real copper or hammered copper. Recommend mounting height is from 24' - 27' above the cooking surface. Suitable for use in covered outdoor applications when installed in a GFCI protected branch circuit. Also available in custom sizes. PRAH6-K MODELSPRAH6-K - ARS Duct Free Under CabinetUtilizing a proprietary 4 phase technology and the Power Lung, the Vent-A-Hood ARS series is ideal for light residential cooking where venting is not an option. With Professional styling, this 6' tall ultimate replacement hood features our exclusive Power Lung and 'Active Canopy' technology, which captures cooking vapors from all areas of the canopy.
Includes the Power Lung K Series Blower. Click on the models for a list of our base model numbers for standard sizes; simply select the model you need, and then specify the finish (painted or stainless steel). Not available in real brass, real copper, or hammered copper. Recommended mounting height is 21' - 24' above the cooking surface.
ARS filter assembly sold separately. PRH6-K MODELSPRH6-K - Premium Power Lung (V-Line) Under CabinetWith Professional styling, this 6' tall ultimate replacement hood features our exclusive Power Lung and 'Active Canopy' technology, which captures cooking vapors from all areas of the canopy. Includes the K Series Blower (sound rating is 7.4 sones at high speed). The hood includes SensaSource, LED GU10 lighting, and top vent/back vent capability.
Standard widths are 24', 30', 36', and 42' wide. This hood is only available in Black, Biscuit, Gunsmoke, White, or Stainless Steel finishes. Recommended mounting height is 21' - 24' above the cooking surface. All Vent-A-Hood products are suitable for use in damp locations (outdoor applications such as a covered patio) when installed in a GFCI protected branch circuit. PRH9 MODELSPRH9 - Premier Magic Lung® Under CabinetLinear styling perfectly accents the Professional-styled kitchen.

Includes the Magic Lung® blower system. Lights feature a dual switch for dimming. Equipped with the SensaSource® heat sensor. Available in popular standard or custom paint colors, stainless steel, real brass, real copper or hammered copper. Recommended mounting height is 24' to 27' above the cooking surface. Suitable for use in covered outdoor applications when installed in a GFCI protected branch circuit. Also available in custom sizes.
SLAH6-K MODELSSLAH6-K - ARS Duct Free Under CabinetUtilizing a proprietary 4 phase technology and the Power Lung, the Vent-A-Hood ARS series is ideal for light residential cooking where venting is not an option. With Emerald Lip styling, this 6' tall ultimate replacement hood features our exclusive Power Lung and 'Active Canopy' technology, which captures cooking vapors from all areas of the canopy. Includes the Power Lung K Series Blower. Click on the models for a list of our base model numbers for standard sizes; simply select the model you need, and then specify the finish (painted or stainless steel).
Not available in real brass, real copper, or hammered copper. Recommended mounting height is 21' - 24' above the cooking surface. ARS filter assembly sold separately.
SLH6-K MODELSSLH6-K - Premium Power Lung (V-Line) Under CabinetWith Emerald Lip styling, this 6' tall ultimate replacement hood features our exclusive Power Lung and 'Active Canopy' technology, which captures cooking vapors from all areas of the canopy. Includes the K Series Blower (sound rating is 7.4 sones at high speed). The hood includes SensaSource, LED GU10 lighting, and top vent/back vent capability. Standard widths are 24', 30', 36', and 42' wide. This hood is only available in Black, Biscuit, Gunsmoke, White, or Stainless Steel finishes. Recommended mounting height is 21' - 24' above the cooking surface. All Vent-A-Hood products are suitable for use in damp locations (outdoor applications such as a covered patio) when installed in a GFCI protected branch circuit.
SLH9 MODELSSLH9 - Premier Magic Lung® Under CabinetSoft cut corners of the patented Emerald lip yield a contemporary feel. Includes the Magic Lung® blower system. Lights feature a dual switch for dimming. Equipped with the SensaSource® heat sensor. Available in popular standard or custom paint colors, stainless steel, real brass, real copper or hammered copper. Recommended mounting height is 24' - 27' above the cooking surface.
Suitable for use in covered outdoor applications when installed in a GFCI protected branch circuit. Also available in custom sizes. XRH9 MODELSXRH9 - Premier Magic Lung® Under CabinetLinear styling perfectly accents the Professional-styled kitchen. Includes the Magic Lung® blower system. Lights feature a dual switch for dimming.
Free Underhood Dimensions 2017
Equipped with the SensaSource® heat sensor. Available in popular standard or custom paint colors, stainless steel, real brass, real copper or hammered copper. Recommended mounting height is 24' - 27' above the cooking surface. Suitable for use in covered outdoor applications when installed in a GFCI protected branch circuit. Also available in custom sizes.