Kelebihan Dan Kekurangan Whatsapp

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The differences between the two WhatsApp Messenger MODs, FMWhatsApp and YOWhatsApp, are mainly based on aesthetic criteria. FMWhatsApp offers us more to choose from as it comes along with its own theme store from where we can download plenty of themes to completely change the visual aspect of the application. YOWhatsApp doesn’t have the option as it’s a development based on the original WhatsApp Messenger, although with smoothed out lines.Apart from that, both applications are very similar, offering us a wide range of functions that improve the original WhatsApp but without being two different between them. Privacy functions have been improved so that the user can choose who can call him and the visibility of his status. We can also hide our connection status and decide whether other users can see if we’re writing a message or recording an audio.

WhatsApp messanger merupakan salahsatu aplikasi pesan instan nomor satu di Dunia, alasannya WhatsApp memiliki pengguna terbanyak, Memang WhatsApp tidak diragukan lagi akan kelebihan, kegunaan dan fitur-fiturnya, tapi dibalik semua itu pasti tetap ada titik kekurangan yang dimiliki oleh WhatsApp. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan Telegram dibandingkan dengan Whatsapp, sehingga Telegram mendapat perhatian dari Whatsapp (sebagai pesaing)? Kekurangan Telegram: belum memiliki fitur voice call. Menurut Telegram fitur voice call mungkin akan diterapkan di masa akan datang. Dalam hal samrtphone apple baru saja meluncurkan flagship terbarunua yaitu I phone 7 dan I phone 7 Plus yang rencananya akan di pasarkan bulan september 2016 ini. Untuk itu kali ini saya sebagai akan membahas kelebihan dan kekurangan I phone 7. Yang versi plusnya aka saya bahas di artikel berikutnya. Kelebihan I phone 7.

Kelebihan Dan Kekurangan WhatsappKekurangan

Kelebihan Dan Kekurangan Whatsapp Web

Recently, WhatsApp announced that they are now reaching 1 billion daily users. And so many of them really love sharing photos, videos and remain connected through calling, video calling and Status updates.WhatsApp also said that there are about 55 billion messages are sent per day on WhatsApp, 4.5 billion photos, and 1 billion videos being shared per day.No wonder that WhatsApp users, just like you and me, receive a lot of media in the form of photos and videos from friends, family and various WhatsApp groups. Most of the time, these photos and videos are forwarded messages, starting form motivational quotes, good morning messages, memes, funny videos and what not. When you want to backup WhatsApp chats, you don’t have the option to exclude photos, but only the videos. So, we have to do something about it.If you are just like me, who keep on switching to a new Android phone and don’t want to backup and restore tons of photos received via WhatsApp over time, here is an easy workaround that prevents WhatsApp from including photos in Google Drive backup.So, here is how to backup WhatsApp chats without photos to your Google Drive. Using any File Explorer app, navigate to WhatsApp folder in your internal storage.

Rename the “Media” folder to any other name like Media 2. Alternatively, you can just rename the “WhatsApp Images” folder under Media to exclude images but retain voice messages, etc. Now open WhatsApp app. Go to Settings Chats Chat Backup. State of decay pc download. Tap on Backup.

Make sure to uncheck Include videos option.By using this method, WhatsApp will now only create a backup of your WhatsApp chats to Google Drive. As you can see the backup will be significantly smaller in size because it will only backup the messages. After doing the backup, you can restore the WhatsApp chats to your new phone through Google Drive.

So now, you can save a lot of internet bandwidth, and most importantly you won’t have to deal with unwanted photos anymore.