Local Disk E Appeared
I recently built a new computer and installed Windows 10 Home and ideally I would have had the following:Operating System (C), Games (D) and Everything Else (G) - C and D on my SSD and G on my HDD.However, after the install, a disk 'F' appeared on my SSD and has the same or similar folders as my 'C' drive, and I don't know why. From some searching this would appear to be normal and unavoidable, however, other people's 'F' disk only seems to take up a few hundred Mb's while mine has a capacity of nearly 20Gb.Why is this file here, why are certain programs e.g. Movavi Video Suite defaulting to it for photo/video saves and can I get rid of it and return the 20Gb back to C or D disk?Thanks,Tom. Disk 1 is my internal HDD which has all my slow stuff on; docs, videos, photos etc.I'm correct in saying that 'F' is now a partition of this HDD when actually it should be only one single drive I.e. 'G'.Also, I don't know how it got there.
When I installed W10 I formatted both my SSD and the HDD creating only two distinct partitions on the SSD, for the OS and my games. The HDD was reformatted as it had XP on it, leaving it as one whole, contiguous drive and then copying all my files over to it from my back up drive.Somehow this extra drive has appeared on the HDD.Tom. This is one of the oddest things I have seen in a while. I guess the most obvious question is how did you format the hard drive?If you go into the 'F' drive my guess is you never really formatted it and XP is the partition you see, You could tell by going into Documents and Settings and see if all the files from XP are there as if its your new files they would be under users. If you tried to put your user files on the hard drive I don't think you could do so on a Logical Drive as they are OS folders and possible Windows did this by itself to be able to locate them there but that would be the first I have ever heard of that. Are the files on the 'F' partition duplicates of your user files or are they actually your user files?
I noticed the oddest thing this evening. I recently noticed that a new, inaccessible Local Disk, with the drive letter Q:, appeared in my Computer window.
When I try to open it, Windows tells me it is inaccessible. When I look at the properties, the disk, there is 0 used space, and 0 free space. The hardware tab reports that it is my system drive, but for the life of me I cannot understand why this has suddenly appeared as an inaccessible, size-less hard drive in my Computer.
Local Disk E Download
Partition Data(E:) suddenly appeared. I had to repair my laptop screen lately and i've left it with a guy for 2 or 3 days. Since then i'm a little paranoid, he asked me for my password and i gave it to him. Phantom 'Local Disk Q' suddenly appeared i suddenly have 'Local Disk Q' on my drive list in windows explorer, which of course i cannot. Aug 15, 2016 - I woke up to a surprise this morning. A new drive just appeared on my PC titled 'System K:'. It has 356 MB allocated to it with 34 MB of stored. After upgrade to Windows 10 or have partitioned your hard drive using Disk Management or other disk partitioning software, there are chances that you will find a mysterious Z drive in Windows 10/8/7 in File Explorer. If you try to open it, you will receive the following massage: “You don’t currently have permission to access to folder“.
I tried to check this drive out in Disk Management, but I'm only seeing my rescue partition and my primary partition. No other hard drives are being reported. Does anyone have any idea what the heck is going on here? I have the exact same mysterious drive.and it is on both computers that I have installed the 2010 beta on. However, I just installed the beta a few days ago and I thought I had that drive letter before that, though I could be mistaken. The 2nd computer had the program installed from a usb drive using the 'office to go' feature.
Local Disk E Windows 10

I wish MS could tell everyone about things like this and explain what its purpose is rather than making us spend hours trying to troubleshoot the issue. Thanks for running down the answer!