Romance Of The Three Kingdoms Xi Download
- Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 13 Pc
- Romance Of The Three Kingdoms Xi Download Pc
- Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 13 Download

Romance Of The Three Kingdoms XI Download Game. Full Version PC Games Strategy. Download Romance Of The Three Kingdoms XI - PC Game - Full Version. Romance Of The Three Kingdoms XI. Language: English Platform: PC Release Date: 2008 SIZE: 1.29 GB Genre: Strategy Download Romance XI Free Game. Posted by ayaz at 03:47. Email This BlogThis.
. Summary: Set during the end of China's Han Dynasty and the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D., RTK XI presents the most visually captivating evolution in the history of the series. Blurring the line between video games and art, RTK XI features visuals evocative of classical Chinese ink-paintings along with Set during the end of China's Han Dynasty and the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D., RTK XI presents the most visually captivating evolution in the history of the series. Blurring the line between video games and art, RTK XI features visuals evocative of classical Chinese ink-paintings along with debates and duels rendered in real-time 3D animation.
As the ruler of a kingdom, each player has complete control over their territories. More than 40 base commands give players the power to govern cities, manage their personnel, practice diplomacy and much more. Complete freedom to develop markets, shipyards, outposts, forts and military units expand on the already substantial benchmarks established by previous editions of the series.
Furthermore, players watch the era come to life through the uniquely individual personalities of the more than 780 officers and supporting characters they encounter. Players need to dig deep within to prove themselves adept at both the military and political arts in order to bring China under one rule. Domestic affairs, diplomacy and warfare are all conducted on a single vast 3D relief map, dramatically bringing to life the eight massive scenarios that lie before them. For improved control over each military campaign, RTK XI's turn-based game play allows the player to plan their movements without undue time constraints, and then execute their battle tactics when ready. RTK XI also introduces an entirely new system for researching military techniques, as well as an Advanced Tactics System that allows players to drive or lure enemies into devastating ambushes.
Skilled players link together tactics for maximum damage. I have thoroughly enjoyed Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI. True, it is probably not for the average gamer, or even the avid gamer.
However, I have thoroughly enjoyed Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI. True, it is probably not for the average gamer, or even the avid gamer. However, if you like strategy, and if you're willing to put the effort into completing the tutorials, the game has a great deal to offer - many, many hours of engrossing playtime, for example. I've read in several less-than-shining reviews comments about the weighty amount of historical references contained in the game. But the truth is, the historical significance of the game is almost completely irrelevant to the actual playing of this game. In fact, there are detailed settings that allow the player to remove all historical relevance completely from the game world.
In other words, Koei has given the player a huge roster of characters to pit against each other in a world where the player decides whether or not history has any relevance in their campaigns. And from my experience playing, history is not necessary for the game mechanic to work. It's a game of stats and strategy, more than it is a game of history. The novel that the game was based on is historical fiction after all.
On the other hand, the 'history / story' is probably one of my favorite parts of the game. Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a great story, it's a lot of fun once you get into it, and it adds role playing depth to the game once you get to know the lore behind even a handful of the characters. However, if you have any imagination at all you'll probably find yourself putting personality into each of the characters without the aid of CGI and expensive voice actors.
Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 13 Pc
The later of which would greatly decrease the number of characters in the game, and the depth of the strategy due to the cost. Is the game difficult to beat? Of course it s! The history of the Three Kingdoms period showed how difficult it was to unite China after the fall of the Han Dynasty. This wasn't World War 2 after all. It was a conflict that lasted almost a hundred years. The population dropped from over 56 million citizens to just over 16 million by the time it ended.
It wouldn't make a lot of sense if the game could be beaten in six hours or less like typical games of today. I've read complaints about the time it takes to complete this game, and in my opinion it's a ridiculous complaint. If you're having a good time playing something, why would you want it to end? Perhaps if you were a game developer, and you wanted gamers to buy your next product? Or maybe because your only satisfaction in life comes from the accomplishment of completing a video game.
I would personally rather have my money's worth from a game, and ROTK XI has payed for itself many times over. KOEI is not afraid shake it up.
Romance Of The Three Kingdoms Xi Download Pc
Although definitely still a strong new addition to the series, RotTK11 falls back from its previous line of KOEI is not afraid shake it up. Although definitely still a strong new addition to the series, RotTK11 falls back from its previous line of focus on character development toward its much older games where the focus is on the kingdom (and hopefully empire!). This by no means makes it worse, and in fact it's a masterpiece for what it is: an epic and deep strategic period game. Yet again, this game could be even deeper and more complex, however, it is great for the scope KOEI wanted to capture. Deep with solid strategy and macro and micromanagement, but not too deep with too much micromanagement (at least forced upon you). The city-building takes on a brand new element and the battle map system is changed completely (by merging battles from a battle map to the game's map itself, in a newly 3D setting).
The art and music is again stylized and excellent. The city-building and battles are fun and rarely tedious. The problem, however, lies in the missed potential for story-building through events and hard-coded goals, as well as a lack of explanation for the setting other than the basic text the player can read at the beginning of each map timeline-based campaign. Finally, the AI can be foolish on occasion, and it is also difficult for friends to play with one another as each player must be a ruler of a faction.
RotTK11 is, ultimately, a great addition to the series. Hopefully KOEI learns from their experiments to continue making even better games.
Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 13 Download
As a Chinese, I have tons of emotion for this series. Unfortunately, western media are not really the place this game belongs, thus all the As a Chinese, I have tons of emotion for this series.
Unfortunately, western media are not really the place this game belongs, thus all the 'negative' reviews which are actually only from a western viewpoint. It's simple: What if you ask an Asian who knows nothing about medieval Europe to play Crusader King? He must feel bored to death, not to mention the sheer learning curve of games by Paradox Interactive. Personally I find it intriguing that people would regard this game to be 'hard to learn'. I would really say this is a kindergarten toy compared with titles like Europa Universalis.
Probably it's the sheer depth of this historical period that scares people off, rather than the already really streamlined gameplay(compared with previous installments). Seriously, the history/story of Romance of Three Kingdoms has long been a part of Chinese culture everywhere, every day, and I feel so overjoyed and fortunate that KOEI presents such a delicate series which combines history with high playability and entertainment.
I play it, almost with a sacred sentiment, imagining the scenes I've been imagining since childhood over and over again. This is no exaggeration. The only complaint I have against this game is the not-so-intelligent friendly AI after your force gets huge.
Seeing AI doing total nonsense every turn in cities you don't directly control really drives you mad. Besides, transferring food and equipments between cities is also very un-userfriendly. Also, the beginning of a game is always the most enjoyable, but after that it feels more and more just like a bland game without the tinge of Three Kingdoms. Hopefully they've rectified this issue in the improved AI brought by higher difficulty in the expansion pack.
This game is very deep and intricate. There is simply so much to do; manage your cities, hire officers, train military, drill military, fight This game is very deep and intricate.
There is simply so much to do; manage your cities, hire officers, train military, drill military, fight wars, fight duels, even have debates! Improve your cities, build weapons and boats, manage your economy, keep morale up, and maintain order in your lands! Whew, exhausted yet? There is most definitely a learning curve associated with this game.

For those who have the patience to figure it out, you will be rewarded with a stunning level of depth and intricacy, and watching your empire grow is a genuinely satisfying experience. For those with the patience to learn/play it, you will find this a very rewarding game, worth a 9 rating. However I'm giving it an 8 because of the fact that honestly, this game will be over most people's heads. This game is not for the casual gamer or the simple-minded. If you're just looking to turn off your brain and pass the time, better to buy a first-person-shooter.