Guide To Historical Method Garraghan Pdf

Philosophical Type Of Research
Author by: Mary De Chesnay, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, FAANLanguage: enPublisher by: Springer Publishing CompanyFormat Available: PDF, ePub, MobiTotal Read: 61Total Download: 657File Size: 48,9 MbDescription: This is a concise, step-by-step guide to conducting qualitative nursing research using various forms of historical analysis. It is part of a unique series of books devoted to seven different qualitative designs and methods in nursing, written for both novice researchers and specialists seeking to develop or expand their competency. Historical research is a qualitative research method that systematically examines past events from existing documents or other data, or by interviewing individuals who lived through those events, in order to understand the past. Written by a noted qualitative research scholar and contributing experts, the book describes the philosophical basis for conducting research using historical analysis and delivers an in-depth plan for applying its methodologies to a particular study, including appropriate methods, ethical considerations, and potential challenges. It presents practical strategies for solving problems related to the conduct of research using the various forms of analysis and presents a rich array of case examples from published nursing research. These include author analyses to support readers in decision making regarding their own projects.

The book provides a variety of examples of historical method studies, on topics such as mental health research, working with Navajo communities, World War II evacuation nursing, and many others. Focused on the needs of both novice researchers and specialists, it will be of value to health institution research divisions, in-service educators and students, and graduate nursing educators and students. Key Features: Explains how to conduct nursing research using autobiography, biography, oral history, and document review Presents state-of-the-art designs and protocols Focuses on solving practical problems related to the conduct of research Features rich nursing exemplars in a variety of health/mental health clinical settings in the United States and internationally. Author by: Michael J.
SalevourisLanguage: enPublisher by: John Wiley & SonsFormat Available: PDF, ePub, MobiTotal Read: 67Total Download: 530File Size: 44,8 MbDescription: Widely acclaimed for its accessibility and engaging approach to the subject, the fourth edition of The Methods and Skills of History combines theory and instruction with hands-on practice, making it a comprehensive guide to historical research and writing. Combines theory with hands-on practice in its introduction to historical methods Includes a series of field-tested exercises designed to make the research and writing of history more meaningful and accessible to readers Features expanded coverage of writing history and up-to-date coverage of online research Designed to strengthen students’ critical thinking and communication skills.
Guide To Historical Method Garraghan Pdf Download
Gooe and Douglas E. Scates, Methods of Research, p.670. Gellert J Garraghan, A Guide to Historical Method (New York: Fordhan University Press, 1946). Glaser, Robert et al (1996) organization for Research and Development in Education, Bloomington, Ind: Phi Delta Kappa 5.