Memperkecil Size File Word

Memperkecil Size File Word 3,9/5 4369 votes

Have your Microsoft files suddenly become large, causing Ms Word to crash? This article offers some valuable fixes to make your files sizes manageable. Word file size can be reduced by compressing images, proper insertion of images, removing auto recovery versions, switching off thumbnails, and turning off embedded fonts.Unknowingly, Some of the features running on Ms Word lead to creation of large files, which can cause problems especially when sending email attachments and files over the internet. When dealing with a seemingly huge word document, your first instinct would be to compress the images because images and other elements in the document may increase document size.

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  2. Memperkecil Size File Word File

The other aspect you need to look at are ways of reducing documents with no pictures in them. You can decide which solution works in your environment and the nature of the files you are dealing with. For example: Personal UseYou can use the secure offline desktop compression app for multiple files working on the windows and Mac OS platforms. This can be downloaded from WeCompress website. File ServersCompress everything in your file server to create more space Secure FoldersFollow the progress of every compression and add new files as they arrive Microsoft Exchange ServerAll documents whether PDF, Office files, JPEG, TIFF attachments can be compressed to create room for more incoming emails and files For DevelopersYou have the freedom to add your own technology within WeCompress. Business EmailsAll outgoing and incoming mail attachments can be compressed in real time.

  • Cara Kompres atau Memperkecil Ukuran File Microsoft Word. Nah maka dari itu pada tutorial kali mastekno akan memberikan tutorial bagaimana cara kompres file Microsoft Word dengan mudah. Pada tutorial kali ini mastekno akan menggunakan Microsoft Word 2013. Untuk versi lainnya, seperti Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, atau 2016, caranya tidak jauh berbeda.
  • Memperkecil Ukuran File Word, Excel dan PowerPoint FILEminimizer Office compresses merupakan file compression software yang dapat digunakan untuk memperkecil ukuran dari MS Word,PowerPoint dan Excel dimana di situs resminya menyebutkan dapat memperkecil size dari file tersebut hingga 98%. Aplikasi ini dapat mengompress ukuran dari gambar dan objek-objek lain yang dimasukkan ke dalam file.

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Memperkecil Size File Word File

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