Sql Concat Results Into String
The resulting string is given an Alias of FullName so we can easily identify it in our resultset.- SQL Server / Microsoft Access SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName As FullName FROM Customers Oracle uses the CONCAT(string1, string2) function or the operator. The Oracle CONCAT function can only take two strings so the above example would not. Starting with SQL Server 2017, you can now make your query results appear as a list. This means you can have your result set appear as a comma-separated list, a space-separated list, or whatever separator you choose to use. While it’s true that you could achieve this same effect prior to SQL Server 2017, it was a bit fiddly.
IntroductionWhile I was studying the new feature of SQL Server 2005, i.e., CTE, I got an idea to use it to concatenate the values of a field in one string, since it can be used to work recursively. Before starting up with the example, let me first describe about the CTE.CTE or Common Table Expression is a new construct provided in MS SQL Server 2005. It is basically a temporary view that can be used in SELECT statements to query data. Most of the time, we need to write complex queries involving some subquery being used multiple times in a single query. In that case, we can use a CTE and reference it in the query as many times as required. This simplifies the logic of the query, and makes it more maintainable.The syntax for creating a CTE is: - Defining a CTE; WITH SalesmanCTE(SalesmanId, SalesmanName)AS(SELECT SalesmanId, Name FROM Salesman)- Refering a CTE in query SELECT.
FROM SalesmanCTEThe CTE can be used very much like normal views created in the database, so we can directly embed some complex query (that might be required to be used as a subquery) in the CTE and refer that CTE in our query. We can use any kind of join, where clause, or other constructs as can be used with a normal table or query. For example, let's say we need to write a query like: SELECT SalesmanNameFROM SalesmanINNER JOIN ( SELECT SalesmanId, MAX(Sale) FROM Sales GROUP BY SalesmanId) AON Salesman.SalesmanId = A.SalesmanIdThis can be easily written with CTE:; WITH SalesmanCTE (SalesmanId, MaxSale)AS(SELECT SalesmanId, MAX(Sale)FROM SalesGROUP BY SalesmanId)SELECT SalesmanNameFROM SalesmanINNER JOIN SalesmanCTE AON Salesman.SalesmanId = A.SalesmanIdIn the second example, the subquery has been modified as a separate view using CTE, and used in the main query, making it easy to understand. The CTE has another good feature of recursive calling, i.e., a CTE can call itself recursively to return hierarchical data.
Concat Strings In Sql Server
For example, if you have a table of recursive nature, like category that has a self referential foreign key constraint to represent n level categories (something that we see in shopping carts etc.). Here, to get all the children (up to n level) of a category, we can use CTE. Names of clusters of stars. More information on how to use it recursively can be found.I am using the same recursive nature of CTE in this article to concatenate the values of rows as a comma separated value into a column. A basic example is given below. Clementratel 22-Jan-09 2:5122-Jan-09 2:51edit: This may not work as CTE are not understood by SQL Server =itself.fnameGROUP BY dbo.tblTest.fname),ABC (FId, FName)AS(SELECTCAST(1 AS INT) AS FId,CAST(' AS NVARCHAR(20)) AS FNameUNION ALLSELECTCAST((B.FId + 1) AS INT) AS FId,CAST(B.FName+A.FName AS NVARCHAR(20)) AS FNameFROM AINNER JOIN ABC AS B ON A.RN = B.FId)SELECT TOP 1 FNameFROM ABCORDER BY FIdDESC.
Sql Concat Results Into String 4
. INSERT INTO Courses(CourseId,CourseName) VALUES (1, 'C#' ).
INSERT INTO Courses(CourseId,CourseName) VALUES (2, 'ASP.Net' ). INSERT INTO Courses(CourseId,CourseName) VALUES (3, 'MVC' ). INSERT INTO Courses(CourseId,CourseName) VALUES (4, 'WCF' ). INSERT INTO Courses(CourseId,CourseName) VALUES (5, 'Share Point' ).
INSERT INTO Courses(CourseId,CourseName) VALUES (6, 'WPF' ). INSERT INTO Courses(CourseId,CourseName) VALUES (7, 'SQL Server' ). INSERT INTO Courses(CourseId,CourseName) VALUES (8, 'JQuery' ).
SELECT. FROM Courses. StudentCourses.